When it comes Whatsapp Database to the analysis of the toB industry, many students sigh and don't know what to do. There is also customer consumption data. Why is the common method of toC, so there is a problem? That's because the real Whatsapp Database analysis tool of the toB industry is not used well. 1. Where is the difficulty in the toB industry? Although both toB and toC cores are consumption, the difference is huge toC: Most of it is personal consumption, the amount is low, and the decision-making is arbitrary. toB:
No matter how small the order is, it is also the procurement process of the enterprise, and the decision-making is complicated. Therefore, for toC, as long as we keep in touch with users and hold events from time to time, users will Whatsapp Database come back to buy. For toB, customers will not place orders at will, and even if they place an order, the reasons behind it are very complicated. for example: Customers choose us simply because we Whatsapp Database have the lowest price... The client himself has no experience, so he tried to go through the bid evaluation process, and we were lucky.
Customers believe our Whatsapp Database sales fudge and feel that we are invincible Customers just want to knock down existing suppliers and introduce us as catfish Customers read our introduction and think it's not bad, you can try... The customer is very Whatsapp Database experienced and has compared a variety of samples, and thinks that we are really good In the above 6 cases, only the 6th case is that the customer sincerely recognizes us, and the other 5 cases are simply lucky. It is no surprise that such a list was subsequently lost. Not to mention,