IT services such as email internal and external corporate portals and systems the possibility of remote access for employees. Thirdly the implementation of solutions for the protection of corporate services and their support. As a result within months CROC Cloud Services experts designed and implemented the implementation of the cloud infrastructure and corporate IT services. The customer in a short time received a new ecosystem of solutions and was able to quickly switch to them even before disconnecting from the European provider s cloud. Today the CROC team continues to administer and support the implemented solutions as well as backing them up to secure storage.
The customer received the entire range of IT services whatsapp mobile number list from one provider in a short time thanks to which he was able to continuously carry out business in the Russian Federation working with a ready made IT platform without the need to expand the staff of IT employees. The need to localize Russian divisions of foreign companies is a very frequent request that we received from clients in. The project with Remind became one of the most interesting and complex for us since it was necessary to implement not only seamless migration but also carefully build the entire ecosystem of corporate solutions in order to provide a comfortable user experience for the employees of the Russian division.
We plan not to stop there and expand our cooperation in accordance with the business needs of the customer for example to implement integration with the infrastructure on premise said Sergey Zinkevich Business Development Director CROC Cloud Services. About Remind Remind is an insurance broker and risk advisor. The company provides services in the field of brokerage consulting and claims support using data technology and analytics to reduce clients overall cost of risk.